• Passengers 7

When 赛斯纳 redesigned their popular CJ2 private business jet, known for its low operating costs 和 high performance, the result was the CJ3. With a larger cabin 和 significantly reduced fuel burn, 它在任何意义上都是一种升级,也是同级别中最受欢迎的私人飞机之一.

About this aircraft

  • 赛斯纳 Citation CJ3于2004年获得认证,生产了400多架,直到2015年CJ3+推出后停止生产.
  • 舒适的客舱通常可以容纳六到七名乘客,这取决于配置.
  • The CJ3 is renowned for its practicability 和 economy, 非常适合三个半小时的短途包机. 
  • 它的行李容量为1000磅(453公斤),最多可容纳9个行李.
  • Externally, the CJ3 和 the upgraded CJ3+ are identical. 内部, CJ3的柯林斯ProLine 21驾驶舱已经升级为Garmin G3000集成飞行甲板. 

The CJ3 entered the market in 2004, following on from the successful CJ1CJ2. Despite 赛斯纳 going on to introduce the CJ3+ in 2014, the CJ3 remains one of the most popular charter jets on the market.

Interior design

The CJ3’s modern interior combines functionality with comfort. 虽然客舱比竞争对手如Learjet 75和飞鸿300略小, it’s designed to maximise available space. CJ3+配备了额外的现代舒适设施,如LED客舱照明, a Satcom phone, 一个媒体中心和无线客舱技术,允许乘客连接到Wi-Fi和XM无线电. 

一些cj3被布置为在前部采用俱乐部四座位配置和在后部两个面向前方的座位, with large chairs 和 table spaces for working 和 dining. 如果有必要,飞机后部的封闭式厕所可以用作额外的乘客座位. There’s also space for a small galley at the front of the aircraft. An executive formation is also popular, 用第七个乘客座位代替飞机前部的厨房.  

An executive formation is also popular, 用第八个乘客座位代替飞机前部的厨房.       


Interesting facts to learn before you fly

  • The CJ3 is slightly slower than its competitors, 但在航程上弥补了这一点——它可以连接伦敦和欧洲大部分地区,也可以连接洛杉矶和芝加哥. 在一些有利的条件下,CJ3+甚至可以在美国从东海岸飞到西海岸.
  • Despite the CJ3’s flight economy, it allows for a surprisingly high payload for a light jet, 这意味着它可以比一些竞争对手携带更重的行李.
  • 由于没有地方放微波炉,船上只能供应凉菜.  
  • 与CJ3相比,CJ3+升级了无线通信技术,具有更大的现代感.

Technological features

Citation CJ3由两台威廉姆斯FJ44-3A发动机提供动力,每台发动机提供2,820磅推力. Natural laminar flow wings offer improved fuel efficiency, while it also has an increased payload 和 maximum take-off weight, fast climb speeds 和 short runway performance. 座舱配备罗克韦尔柯林斯航空电子设备,设计用于单飞行员操作.

The CJ3+ retained the CJ3’s airframe 和 body, 但具有较新的Garmin G3000航空电子系统和FADEC数字发动机控制系统. CJ3+还配备了LED客舱照明和升级的无线技术.


塞斯纳CitationJet系列的525型飞机为随后的CJ奠定了基础, CJ1, CJ2, CJ3 和 CJ4 models. CJ3于2002年9月在美国公务航空协会大会上亮相,2003年4月首飞,2004年交付第一架飞机. Production continued until 2015, when the upgraded CJ3+ was introduced, 和 over 400 CJ3s remain in operation today.


塞斯纳飞机公司是一家通用航空制造商,总部设在堪萨斯州,自1927年以来一直在运营. The company was established by farmer 和 mechanic, Clyde V. 赛斯纳, who assembled his first plane, a French Bleriot, from a kit using his own water-cooled engines. 塞斯纳以制造小型活塞动力飞机而闻名,主要用于私人和商业用途.

In 1940, 塞斯纳签署了一份合同,为美国陆军生产33架塞斯纳t -50, 180 of the jets for the Canadian Air Force. 该公司后来扩展到制造公务机,并从此成为该行业领先的私人飞机制造商. 它的Citation XLS系列是市场上最受欢迎的私人飞机之一. 1985年,塞斯纳被通用动力公司收购,1995年被德州公司收购.

赛斯纳’s parent company, Texton, is a global aerospace, security, 国防和科技集团,也生产比奇飞机和豪客飞机. 该公司专门为政府定制特定任务的喷气式飞机, military 和 commercial customers using innovative aircraft design. 今天,塞斯纳生产大量的涡轮螺旋桨飞机、活塞和私人飞机.


The average cost of the Citation CJ3 is $3.1M for a 2004 model to $6.2M for a 2014 model. The price of a new 赛斯纳 CJ3+ starts from $8 million, depending on installed equipment 和 cabin finishing. A pre-owned CJ3+ can cost from $6-7 million.

Charter rates

塞斯纳Citation CJ3的包机价格可能会根据您计划的旅程长度而有很大差异, as well as the airports you decide to fly in 和 out of.

如果您想预订塞斯纳Citation CJ3的私人包机,那么为什么不呢 contact our team? For information on other private jets available for charter, browse our list of available private aircraft.

Wet lease rates

ACMI (aircraft, 机组人员, maintenance, 塞斯纳Citation CJ3的湿租赁费率会根据飞机的机龄而有所不同, length of the lease term, 保证的块小时数和平均周期比率.

Charter this aircraft

Speak directly with an ACS broker to discuss your requirements

Key details

  • Aircraft type Light Jets
  • Passengers 7
  • Cruise speed 769 km/h / 478 mph
  • 范围 3,222 km / 2002 miles


  • Luggage space 1.8m³ - 65ft³
  • Enclosed lavatory 是的
  • Flight attendant No
  • 新闻urised cabin 是的

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